Séminaire de l’aire « Méditerranée et Proche-Orient »
Aire Méditerranée & Proche-Orient SéminaireProchaine séance du séminaire de l'aire "Méditerranée et Proche-Orient" le jeudi 9 mars 2023 à 17h (par visioconférence).
Rebekka Grossmann (Université hébraïque de Jérusalem) pour une communication en anglais, intitulée : “Displaced Views: Jewish Forced Migration and the Humanitarian Camera”.
The 1920s and 1930s saw the rise of a new kind of travel photography. European photographers embarking on trips to Africa, Asia or South America saw themselves as international journalists, enlightening audiences at home about political transformations and social conflicts. The kind of images they created paved the way for early debates on globalism and global connectivity. While ostensibly interrupted by World War II, Jewish stories of displacement and statelessness shaped this kind of photography during the 1930s and 1940s and set new paradigms for Western public diplomacy strategies after World War II. This talk traces the paths of the German-Jewish photographer Lotte Errell through episodes of travel, displacement, and statelessness. It asks how she perceived contacts with local political movements and how these encounters were shaped by her own story as a refugee. By illuminating the Jewish photographer’s judgments of appropriation or distancing as transnational processes of learning and instructing her audiences the paper offers new access points to the Jewish history of forced migration and the history of humanitarian photography.
La séance est coordonnée par Ilanit Ben-Dor Derimian de l'Université de Lille (ilanit.derimian.fr). univ-lille
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