Séminaire "Politique de la littérature" - Axe 1 "Poïétique et Politique" - 2021-2022
Univ.Lille - Campus Pont-de-Bois (bât. B)- Villeneuve d'Ascq
Jeudi 13 janvier 2022 - à partir de 16h30 en salle B0.610 et par Zoom.
Org. : Hélène Cottet, Claire Hélie, Fiona McCann et Sophie Musitelli
Intervention de John Holmes, Professeur à l'Université de Birmingham, qui présentera par visioconférence une communication intitulée : " Why Study Literature in an Age of Environmental Crisis, or, What Did You Do in the Great War, Daddy? "
Lien zoom : https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/93519317377?pwd=RDVoelpQd2FsUG5NWEZudyt1dkxlZz09
ID de réunion : 935 1931 7377
Code secret : 669962
John Holmes is Professor of Victorian Literature and Culture at the University of Birmingham. He was the Chair of the British Society for Literature and Science from 2012 to 2015 and has been Secretary to the Commission on Literature and Science since 2015. His books include Darwin's Bards: British and American Poetry in the Age of Evolution (Edinburgh University Press, 2009), The Pre-Raphaelites and Science (Yale University Press, 2018), Temple of Science: The Pre-Raphaelites and Oxford University Museum of Natural History (Bodleian Library, 2020) and the edited collections Science in Modern Poetry: New Directions (Liverpool University Press, 2012) and The Routledge Research Companion to Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Science (Routledge, 2017), co-edited with Sharon Ruston. His current projects include the Symbiosis network, brining together universities and museums to consider the role of the arts in natural history collections, and a collaboration with the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research on forest ecology in fantasy fiction. Pour plus d'informations sur le séminaire : plitterature.hypotheses.orgPartager sur X Partager sur Facebook