Conférences Margherita Laera


Organisateurs : Claire Hélie et Hélène Lecossois (CECILLE) Contact et inscription : claire.helie[chez]univ-lille[point].fr Contact pour la séance du 22 avril qui aura lieu dans le cadre du séminaire "Politique de la littérature" : mathilde.goasguen.etu[chez]univ-lille[point].fr Invited speaker :
Dr Margherita Laera is a Senior Lecturer in Drama and Theatre at the University of Kent, Canterbury, where she is co-Director of the European Theatre Research Network. Margherita is the Online Editor of Theatre Topics and Theatre Journal. She has published widely on Italian theatre, theatre translation and adaptation in edited collections and scholarly journals, such as Contemporary Theatre ReviewModern Drama and Performance Research. She is the author of the book Theatre & Translation (Red Globe Press, 2019) and of Reaching Athens: Community, Democracy and Other Mythologies in Adaptations of Greek Tragedy (Peter Lang, 2013). Margherita edited Theatre and Adaptation: Return, Rewrite, Repeat (Bloomsbury, 2014) and London: Brexit Stage Left (Cue Press, 2019). She has recently completed an AHRC Leadership Fellowship with a project entitled ‘Translation, Adaptation, Otherness’ (2016–19), for which she received the TaPRA Early Career Research Prize in 2018. Her current research is about multilingual theatre; contemporary theatre translation practices in the European Union; and engaging secondary school students with plays in translation. She regularly translates plays from English to Italian and vice versa.

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