Axe 3 : Séminaire "Histoire globale, politiques et sociétés"

Pouvoirs, sociétés, cultures Séminaire
Campus du Pont de Bois - B0.553 (salle Denizot)- Villeneuve D'Ascq

Prochaine séance du séminaire de l'axe 3: Luca Mavelli (Université du Kent) sur la thématique suivante : "“We are all in this together”:  climate change and the politics of collective responsibility." le jeudi 28 mars de 17h à 18h30 en salle B0.553. Le séminaire se tiendra en co-modalité.

Luca Mavelli est Maître de conférences (Reader) en Sciences politiques et Relations Internationales à l'Université du Kent.

Il a travaillé sur de nombreux sujets en théorie politique, notamment la citoyenneté, le néolibéralisme et les religions. Ses récents travaux portent sur les enjeux politiques de la crise écologique : s'il travaille aussi sur le scandale du rejet des eaux usées dans les rivières et les mers au Royaume-Uni, sa communication dans le cadre du séminaire portera sur la responsabilité des compagnies pétrolières dans le dérèglement climatique et leurs stratégies de communication.

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Résumé de la communication : 

From austerity to the recent pandemic, the refrain ‘We are all in this together’ has been increasingly deployed by political leaders to frame and govern crises. This paper explores a largely neglected phenomenon: how this rhetoric of collective responsibility has also been embraced by corporate actors, specifically by the oil industry in relation to climate change. These campaigns of ‘collective responsibility’ mark a significant departure from the two main strategies adopted by the oil industry to deflect its personal responsibilities for climate change, namely, agnogenesis (manufacturing of ignorance and doubt) and greenwashing (making appear environmentally sustainable what is not). How is it possible to explain the progressive shift of the oil industry from the agnotological denial of responsibility to the greenwashed acceptance of responsibility, to the collectivization of responsibility? Can collective climate responsibilities be abused? Can the rhetoric of ‘We are all in this together’ be used by corporate actors (such as the oil industry) to deflect their responsibilities and suggest that we are all equally responsible for the climate crisis? Is this a further and largely unacknowledged threat to the fight against climate change?

La séance sera animée par Clémence Fourton, maîtresse de conférences en études anglophones à Sciences Po Lille.

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